Tired is as tired does

urg....I hate sewing sometimes. I threw a bodice in the garbage tonight. I'm tired of tearing stuff apart to fix the mistakes. This one wasn't going to be worth it, so I just chucked it in the bin. *waves goodbye*. And then? I started a new one! So far, this one is coming out nicely. I revised the pattern and found a way to use some of the massive roll of twill tape I bought for my corset (and never used and still working on the corset!) to reinforce the boning. Has this viking gone mad? Probably. I swore I'd never wear 16th C. stuff, but since the fencing bug bit me....

Our "Smurf" capes were found! Or at least Tormod of Meridies calls them that, which gives me a giggle, since that's pretty much exactly what they look like! It seemed a bit silly I guess to be asking around after them, but, mine at least was made in that night-before-sleepless-round-of-sewing-before-the-event and since I was nervous about the authorization etc... it's sort of a keepsake. I'm funny about stuff like that. I'm sure Lord Tormod though so as well, as he said he would "call off his dogs" when I told him they were found (I had asked him to see if someone from his area had picked them up for safekeeping or by mistake). He has such a delightful sense of humor... among other redeeming qualities. I do hope to see him again. I especially hope to watch him fight. It is a thing of extraordinary beauty. *curtsy* to you, My Lord Tormod, if you are reading - I do believe I'm enchanted. :-)


I realize I am a failure at blogging (havn't posted since February?), but I don't mind so much as I just helped Calyvorri make a gorgeous cotehardie that came out *perfect*, if I do say so myself. Of course, she started with a perfectly gorgeous Burgundy linen... yummy....

hummm, speaking of yummy...

Most of the men in the SCA are so courteous, kind, honorable... and I could just melt when someone is chivalrous and handsome...and well spoken. If only all men understood this small concept.. you don't have to be drop dead gorgeous - you just have to make women think that you are. Simply use the old courtly ways and we'll be swooning. Such a shame more guys don't realize this. Even some SCA guys could benefit from a class in courting... :-)

I'm sewing like a bandit for Pennsic now, but all attempts at a decent fencing shirt that will cover the sisters as well as the rest of me seem to fail miserably. The last one was like a huge bag and the one before had shoulders so dropped, the sleeves looked horrible. I'm of a mind to just buy a couple of shirts at Pennsic.

jumping to the next subject...

FENCING! I felt I had a nice "on" day at Border Raids, even if I was slaughtered, but by heaven I should have been, facing all kinds of experienced fencers - the recipients of high level awards in their kingdom. But yesterday at practice... WTF? My arm was like a spaghetti noodle and I felt like I was moving through water. It was horrible! And the melees... urgh. I really dislike melees so far. I thought I was conquering my fear of getting hurt, but not so much....at least I can still follow the command to 'stay alive'. Just when I think I might be getting better at fencing, the melees cut me right back down to 'newbie'. It's confusing, I can't focus, I feel like Luke Skywalker with that ball and he's got blinders on with the light saber. Except I can't find The Force. *sigh* Practice, practice and training.....sometimes I wonder if my mind is really suited to this. I KNOW my body is NOT! LOL


About this blog

A medieval seamstress in a modern world.